Wednesday, February 16, 2011

First Blog

Today, I am making history.  And if you're reading this, you're witnessing history.  This is my first blog.  I'm not sure if I will blog regularly, but that is my hope and desire.

Last week, I was in Mexico City with some other FOCUS Missionaries.  A lot happened during those 5 days and I was wishing I had more time to process it all.  Then Jesus inspired me, "Maybe you should write about it in a blog".  Boom.

So here's my blog.  I'm not going to start writing about Mexico 'cause it's late and I have to be up early.  But I took the first step and created the blog!  I hope others will read this.  But if not, it will still be good for me to get all these thoughts typed out and maybe even make sense of all them.

Adiós. Vaya con Dios.