Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Hello Springfield, MO!

I have arrived.  Missouri State University - my new home for the next nine months.

Since it's the first question anyone asks, I'll answer it now... yes, I'm a little scared.  But that's normal right?  It's fear of the unknown.  I'm in a new city, I'll make new friends, be on a new campus, even have a new position as Team Director.  All that makes me just a tad bit nervous, especially the Team Director part.  I trust my Lord, though.  I have no doubt that everything will be just fine and it will turn out to be one heck of a year!  And for that, I'm stoked!!  It's so exciting to see what God will do this year in me, my teammates and students.  Buckle up.

I pulled up to 711 E. Normal St in Springfield, MO last Wednesday.  I drove from KC, where I spent a week packing and catching up with friends and Mission Partners.  It was a great time and I know that I will miss Kansas City and all those amazing people a lot.  The only reason I didn't leave in tears is because I'm very confident that I'm going where God wants me to, MoState.  I do look forward to keeping in touch with my KC crew and visiting from time to time since it's only three hours away.  And just think, a joint Men's Night with FOCUS from UMKC and MoState!  I'm thinking camping?!  Justin and I will most certainly have to plan that.

My arrival to Springfield couldn't have gone better.  I got in just before dinner and Father Mark told me that one of the students, James, was having some friends over to his house for dinner.  So not only did I score some free lemon chicken, but I also got to meet about 10 students and get help unloading my car afterwards!  Thanks to everyone who helped!

The next day I sporadically went to Carthage, MO with Terry, KK and Dani (all MSU students) for the annual Marian Festival (a Vietnamese festival honoring Mary that draws nearly 60 thousand people each year).  We attended a Vietnamese Mass and joined in the Eucharist procession, which was beautiful!  Deacon Kyle Sanders was randomly there.  Unfortunately, I could not find him after Mass to say hello.

On Friday I drove back to the KC area (Atchison to be exact) to see Brother Leven Harton take his final vows as a Benedictine Monk!  Brother Leven was my RA in college when I was a sophomore and played a pivotal role in me growing in my faith.  If it wasn't for him, I wouldn't have taught Totus Tuus in Denver.  What an impact Brother Leven has had at BC!  It was great to see him take that step into Monastic Life and also to see some old BC'ers.  I drove back to Springfield on Saturday night.

Since then I've been getting settled in.  I'm almost done.  My room and the kitchen are all set up to the point it's starting to feel like home.  The living room still needs some work.

My housemate and teammate, Joey Terick, arrived on Monday.  We've gotten some great hangout time since then.  We've had dinner together every night (spaghetti, tacos and grilled chicken), played some music and met our neighbors.  There are two young men that live next door, Dillon and Nick, that are pretty cool.  Can't wait to hang out with them some more.  Then some more students should be moving in later this week across the street that are involved with FOCUS.  Who's got two thumbs and is pumped?  This guy.

So how about I introduce you to my team?  Ok!

Since I just brought up Joey, I'll go with him first.
Joey Terick ("Weasel") is a veteran - in his third year with FOCUS.  He spent a year in seminary and graduated from Benedictine College.  I didn't know him very well at BC but I remember him.  Every time I said, "How's it goin'?", he would respond, "Best day of my life".  Joey can play almost any instrument and has actually ridden in a Rodeo.  Cowboy up.

Stef Reinsch ("Mooch") is a second year missionary from Nebraska.  Stef graduated from University of Nebraska in Lincoln and is highly involved with FOCUSGreek.  She loves to be awkward and is so good at it that it isn't actually awkward anymore.  Stef is the only returning missionary to MoState so I'm counting on her to run the show this year.  Thanks, Stef!

Molly Milana ("Pocket") is a first year missionary from Nebraska and graduated from Benedictine College as well.  When I was a senior at BC and Molly was a freshman, we had some PoliSci class together with Dr. Kessler.  That's about as much as I remember except that she was a better student than I was.  Molly is a from a big family, nine brothers and sisters.  She can just about get along with anyone and everyone wants to be her friend, including me.  I'm working on it.

Stef and Molly should be arrive in the next few days.  Molly is looking for a car to buy before she moves down here so if anyone could offer up a few more prayers for that we'd all greatly appreciate it!

I can't wait till the whole team is here!  We're crazy when we're together.  Watch out MSU!  Team MoState will be taking a retreat from Sunday night to Wednesday morning to get some planning for Fall Outreach done and have some team bonding time.  We're staying at a house near Lake Pomme De Terre (I think that's the one).  When we get back, we'll have lunch with Bishop Johnston on Thursday and then have a Student Leader Workshop on Friday and help with move-in on Saturday!  WHAT!  Then we're off and running!

I would like to promise you all that I will update this regularly throughout the year to let ya know what's going on, but I don't think I can honestly say that I will.  I'd like to, but I seem to have trouble finding the time.

Welp, that's about it.  God is good!


1 comment:

  1. Awesome update, Rob!! You are going to be a great team director. I am praying for you and your mission!!
